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Services offered by Cairns Adventure Therapy can be accessed through a range of referral pathways


Mental Health Care Plan

You may be eligible for a Medicare rebate through a mental health care plan if you are deemed eligible by your treating health professional (GP, Paediatrician, Psychiatrist)


Arrange an appointment to see your health professional and discuss any mental health concerns. They can discuss a mental health care plan and discuss possible options for therapeutic support. 


You can request they ​complete a referral to Cairns Adventure Therapy and request that they email through a referral letter and provide a copy to you. 


We will get in touch with you directly after receiving any referrals. 


Please ask your health professional to email referrals to

NDIS Participants

Cairns Adventure Therapy can support Participants who are;


  • Self Managed

  • Plan Managed


The following services can be provided;


  • Innovative Community Participation (09_008_0116_6_3) 

  • Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy or Training - Other Therapy (15_056_0128_1_3)


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Self Referral

Individuals and families can directly refer themselves to Cairns Adventure Therapy. Get in touch to discuss your needs and how we can support you.


Cairns Adventure Therapy can work with a wide range of organisations to develop and deliver adventure based programs to meet the needs of their clients. Get in touch to discuss how we can enhance existing programs or create new ones.

Referrals: Services
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